The new James Long collection for SS11 absolutely kills it! I love everything in the collection, it is all so wearable but still holds his signature style, the prints are great too....check it out!
I went to Seoul and Hong Kong a while ago and couldn't get enough of the traditional knottes silk ropes adn tassels that seemed to decorate everything. Since I came back I have been seeing them more and more.....
The blog from Brooklyn antique and contemporary jewellery store is always always inspirational. Carefully selected antique pieces photographed beautifully, there isn't one thing on there that I woudln't want to own.
I love the latest post on POP blog: Today's POP is Ben, thinking he can bromance it up with hand-crocheted throws… Is there a contradiction in there? We're not sure.
“I really think that New York is over, man. L.A. is the future. It’s so much more cutting edge than New York right now. Yeah, it has an immense doucheness to it. It does. But also, the cool parts are so much cooler than New York right now. I think New York’s really old-school. I can’t explain it. That’s just where I’m at. And also, I don’t believe that whole idea that if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. If you survive L.A. and get over that initial hurdle, then you can make it anywhere.”
Bret Easton Ellis - Interview magazine, June/ July 2010